Yazar: Politeknik2 Neue Kleine Bibliothek 340, 223 Seiten Erscheinungstermin: Mitte Mai 2024 ISBN 978-3-89438-831-7 Klappentext Warum nimmt die soziale Ungleichheit seit Jahren zu? Welche Ro... Lesen
Yazar: Politeknik2 Buch 290 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-943007-54-1 Erschienen: 11. September 2024 Kurzbeschreibung: Seit 1945 befindet sich Deutschland im Zustand eines Waffenstillstands und gilt d... Lesen
In the pursuit of fostering a transformative and inclusive education system in Africa, we, the delegates of the Continental Education Conference convened in South Africa, southern sun,Hotel... Lesen
* This article is published simultaneously in PoliTeknik Turkish edition, PoliTeknik International and PoliTeknik Español. Ladies and Gentlemen, Esteemed Delegates, Honoured Guests, It is bo... Lesen
Immer häufiger haben immer mehr Menschen, Staaten und Regierungen in der Welt den Eindruck, der sog. globale Westen mache sich die Welt, wie sie ihm gefällt – und ignoriere dabei, dass große... Lesen
Dass es Kinderarmut im reichen Deutschland gibt, wird eigentlich nur noch von den üblichen Spitzenverdienern bestritten, die den Armen erklären, wie man auch mit wenig Geld heizen, essen, le... Lesen
Ein nicht nur für Kinderpolitik(-Wissenschaft) wichtiges Thema ist die demokratische politische Bildung für Friedensbemühungen und gegen Kriegsvorbereitungen durch Aufrüstung und Kriegspropa... Lesen
SOLEMNLY ANNOUNCING of the CONSTITUTION Dear Sir/Madam, We, members of Trade Unions, Student Unions and Civil Society Organizations (NGOs), Student Organizations, High School, College and Un... Lesen
In Honduras haben die Konflikte um Land und Ressourcen besonders seit dem Regierungsputsch 2009 stark zugenommen. Die seitdem im Amt befindlichen Regierungen ermöglichen es insbesondere, das... Lesen
A Teacher, Deputy General Secretary Uganda Liberal Teachers Union. Current situation and experience during Covid 19 crisis As a teacher, the global Corona crisis has affected me immensely. T... Lesen
All India General Secretary of the Students’ Federation of India (SFI), and a PhD scholar at the University of Calcutta. How SFI Fights Corona Across The Country The deadly coronavirus knows... Lesen
Coronovirus UK On the 23rd of March, the British Government introduced three new measures: The public must stay at home, could only go outside for food, health or work reasons (but only if w... Lesen
COVID-19 holistic view impact on students It was Sunday at night, 15 March 2020 few minutes after 20h00 when President Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa addressed the nation. People watched President... Lesen
The Registered Trustees of National Students Union The Office of the General Secretary HOW COVID-19 AFFECT THE WORLD ECONOMY The COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly around the world. Almost... Lesen
KTU President Iraq: Education union mobilizes to support teachers and students during pandemic Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union has been working ti... Lesen
Malawi National Students Union Covid-19: Global Pandemic Yet One Size Fits All Impractical In March 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of a novel coronavirus dise... Lesen
PhD student/English and Comparative Studies Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD)- Dakar/Sénégal „Sénégal : Distance Education Due to the Coronavirus“ As we have all seen, coronavirus is an e... Lesen
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the nature of a pandemic has been flitting from mouth to mouth with interest not seen since the SARS or MERS outbreaks. A pandemic is a disease epidemic th... Lesen
Hello, I am a 16 year-old student from the UK and the recent situation with the coronavirus has meant that my academic life has taken a unexpected halt. From a young age the education system... Lesen
President General of Uganda Liberal Teachers’ Union (ULITU) This is serious, we need to make our message clear; lockdown should not equal exploitation of workers, especially Teachers!!... Lesen
President of the Independent Trade Union of Primary Schools Education of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina The time of the pandemic has put all teachers at the forefront of new challe... Lesen
General Secretary of Somalia National Union of Teachers (SNUT) Dear Colleague, Thanks for your msge all educational institutions was lack down , by the Government in an attempt to contain... Lesen
General Secretary of the Private Schools Employees Union of Malawi (PSEUM) In Malawi one third of teachers in Private schools did not get their salaries for March. The school owners say the... Lesen
Ratni Mohamed Raouf Student at the University of Algeria 3 Ibrahim Sultan Cheibout, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Business Sciences and Management Sciences I contacted a family member who wo... Lesen
University State of Paraiba – UEPB – Brazil The coronavirus pandemic in Brazil has exposed and aggravated problems generated by great social and economic inequalities. Based on m... Lesen
D.A.Vihara Sawindi Matara, Southern Province Sri Lanka C.W.W. Kannangara introduced free education to Sri Lanka. Therefore in Sri Lanka. both poor & rich children can learn together. The... Lesen
Dr. Ertekin Özcan Obwohl wir als VertreterInnen verschiedenen Organisationen seit über 40 Jahre für die Verbesserung zur Situation von türkeistämmigen Kinder und Jugendlicher beitragen und L... Lesen
Silvia Bisagna, Teacher, USB Civil Service – School workers “Everyone has the right to education”. This first sentence should be always kept in mind when talking about school, youth and the... Lesen
Abdulhafeez Tayel independent teachers union (ISTT) – Egypt Are you a teacher? Do you have dreams related to your profession? Do you see yourself as the sole owner of truth and knowled... Lesen
Camila Antero de Santana Master’s degree course in human rights Universidade Federal da Paraíba/Brasil 1. How do you evaluate your higher education in terms of quality? What are the pr... Lesen
Cossette Woo | Washington University – USA Article 26 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stag... Lesen
Tamralipta Patra | Junior Lecturer, LOCUS, Pondicherry, India Where the mind is without fear, and the head is held high Where knowledge is free. RABINDRANATH TAGORE In this land of so much d... Lesen
Brenda Passos dos Santos (Universidade Federal da Paraíba – Brasil) This article aims to discuss, in face of Brazil’s conjuncture, the questions on the incident on the major theme of i... Lesen
– Aicha Ndiaye – Salamata Athie – SENEGAL Comment évaluez-vous votre enseignement supérieur en termes de qualité? Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients que vous obs... Lesen
FRAGEN und ANTWORTEN M6, Ethik der sozialen Arbeit, Dozent: Prof. Dr. Eric Mührel, Sitzung vom 14.05.2018 GRUPPE 1 und 2 Wie schätzen Sie Ihre höhere Bildung im Bezug auf die Qualität ein? W... Lesen
Tyriese James Holloway – Üniversität Rowan – USA On May 17th, 2018, The New York Times released an article that read, “New Jersey Law Codifies School Segregation”. Upon seeing th... Lesen
Texte de: SY Ousseynou Saidou Doctorant à l’Université Paris Nanterre/ IDHES Avec la participation de : SARR Mame Gnagna ingénieur en agroforesterie, écologie et adaptation «Tou... Lesen
Participans Prof. Dr. Michael Winkler (Head of the Academic Advisory Board) Zeynel Korkmaz (Head of the coordination) Prof. Dr. Vernor Muñoz Villalobos (former UN Special Rapporteur on the R... Lesen
Şener Elcil KTÖS General Secretary The existence of the Cyprus problem causes suffering to all Cypriots. I believe that identifying teachers and education as playing a pivotal role in th... Lesen
Malathie M. Seneviratne (Gen Secy ) USLTS & H.G.D.Cyril ( Admin.Secy) USLTS Sri Lanka is one of the developing countries in the Asia Pacific Region with a higher literacy rate. The E... Lesen
Tamaki Terazawa – Japan Teachers‘ Union (JTU) The current educational policies are conservative and tend to aim to grow international human resource as the other OECD countries. On the... Lesen
• Institut für Bildung und Kultur der Universität Jena (Vertreten durch Prof. Dr. Michael Winkler) • Interdisziplinäres Forschungszentrum Kindheiten.Gesellschaften an der Universität Wupper... Lesen
Vielleicht haben wir eine Chance. Eine kleine, aber doch eine, die Hoffnung gibt, für ganze Gesellschaften, Länder und Regionen, Gruppen und Gemeinschaften, vor allem für jede Einzelne, fu... Lesen
Yazar: Politeknik2 Ideen und Vorschläge für die Erweiterung des Menschenrechts auf Bildung (Artikelreihe) Dossier PDF herunterladen PROJEKTZIEL Das Projekt „Erweiterung des Menschenrechts... Lesen
Susan Hopgood President, Education International At perhaps no other time since the right to education was enshrined in the in the 1948 United Nations declaration of Human Rights has it need... Lesen
James Tweheyo The Uganda National Teachers Union (UNATU) General Secretary In December of 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted and proclaimed by the United Nations G... Lesen
“Gedanken und Empfehlungen zur Ausweitung der bildungsbezogenen Rechte in der Erklärung der Menschenrechte der UNO” Joaquim Santos Nationalsekretär des FNE (Nationaler Verband... Lesen
“Pensamentos e Recomendações sobre a Extensão dos Direitos da Educação na Declaração dos Direitos Humanos da ONU” Joaquim Santos Secretário Nacional da FNE – abril 2017 A con... Lesen
Mbairiss Ngartoidé Blaise
Secrétaire Général National Du Set Syndicat Des Enseignants Du Tchad Covid19 Au Tchad. Que Devient L’école Tchadienne ? Que Deviennent Les Plus Vulnérables?C’est À Dire Le... Lesen