• Extension of Education as human rights: South African experience – Yonela Mlambo
  • Authoritarianism and education in Egypt (Effects on teachers’ movement) – Abdulhafeez Tayel
  • Предложения и рекомендации по расширению прав на образование в Декларации ООН о правах человека
  • Education, The Role of the Teachers in a United Federal Cyprus, and Suggestions – Şener Elcil
  • Education in Sri Lanka and  Right to Education as a Human Right – Malathie M. Seneviratne
  • Situation on the rights of education in Japan ~ Is education the right or a way to grow human resource? – Tamaki Terazawa
  • Thoughts And Recommendations On Extending Education Rights In Un Declaration Of Human Rights – James Tweheyo

2014 Politeknik by alp.

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