Yonela Mlambo | Cape Town Üniversity – South Africa To understand the contemporary barriers to tertiary institutions of learning in South Africa, we must be cognisant of, and locate S... Lesen
Abdulhafeez Tayel independent teachers union (ISTT) – Egypt Are you a teacher? Do you have dreams related to your profession? Do you see yourself as the sole owner of truth and knowled... Lesen
Оксана Родионова, ведущий специалист отдела по связям с общественностью центрального аппарата Общероссийского Профсоюза образования Пункт 1 статьи 26 Всеобщей декларации прав человека глас... Lesen
Şener Elcil KTÖS General Secretary The existence of the Cyprus problem causes suffering to all Cypriots. I believe that identifying teachers and education as playing a pivotal role in th... Lesen
Malathie M. Seneviratne (Gen Secy ) USLTS & H.G.D.Cyril ( Admin.Secy) USLTS Sri Lanka is one of the developing countries in the Asia Pacific Region with a higher literacy rate. The E... Lesen
Tamaki Terazawa – Japan Teachers‘ Union (JTU) The current educational policies are conservative and tend to aim to grow international human resource as the other OECD countries. On the... Lesen
James Tweheyo The Uganda National Teachers Union (UNATU) General Secretary In December of 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted and proclaimed by the United Nations G... Lesen
“Gedanken und Empfehlungen zur Ausweitung der bildungsbezogenen Rechte in der Erklärung der Menschenrechte der UNO” Joaquim Santos Nationalsekretär des FNE (Nationaler Verband... Lesen
“Pensamentos e Recomendações sobre a Extensão dos Direitos da Educação na Declaração dos Direitos Humanos da ONU” Joaquim Santos Secretário Nacional da FNE – abril 2017 A con... Lesen
David Ofori Acheampong Ghana National Association Of Teachers ABSTRACT: Education is recognised as the bedrock for the survival and advancement of society universally, and the fulcrum arou... Lesen
John O’Brien Senior Official & Global Solidarity Co-ordinator – Irish National Teachers Organisation (INTO) – The sole teachers union in the Republic of Ireland for Primary School teache... Lesen
María Antonieta García Lascurain En la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos (1948), se plasmaron de manera clara y precisa los derechos y las libertades de todo ser humano; sin e... Lesen
Übersetzung: (Spanisch-Deutsch): Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Jantzen In der Allgemeinen Deklaration der Menschenrechte (1948) widerspiegeln sich in klarer und präziser Weise die Rechte und Freiheit... Lesen
Student Representative Council Wits University – South Africa Under the South African Higher Education system, the Student Representative Council is the highest representative s... Lesen
Gareth Young National Official (Campaigns, Policy and Communications), NASUWT – The Teachers’ Union, UK. In 2013, the NASUWT adopted a ground-breaking report, Maintaining World Class... Lesen
Over the period, three has been quantitative expansion of education. The number of primary and upper primary schools in the country has increased manifold. Barring a few very remote and inac... Lesen
Alexandra A. Ftouli – Vicky Tsefala SYRIZA Jugend Organisation – Griechenland Das öffentliche Bildungssystem in Griechenland wird sehr stark von der ökonomischen Krise, die wir erleb... Lesen
Roberto Franklin de Leão National Confederation of Workers in Education – CNTE As it approaches its 70th anniversary, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights plays a fundament... Lesen
Roberto Franklin de Leão Presidente da Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educação – CNTE/Brasil e Vice-Presidente Mundial da Internacional da Educação – IE Próxima de comple... Lesen
Übersetzung: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Jantzen Pedro Badía Alcalá Sekretär für Kommunikation, Information, Kultur und institutionelle Beziehungen der Bildungskonföderation der Comisiones Obreras[2]... Lesen
Pedro Badía Alcalá Secretario de Comunicación, Información, Cultura y Relaciones Institucionales de la Federación de Enseñanza de Comisiones Obreras Begoña López Cuesta Secretaria de la Fund... Lesen
Kumar Ratan National Coalition for Education (NCE), India Education is a tool of empowerment of individuals. Education is a tool of social change. Education is fundamental to economic develo... Lesen
Vernor Muñoz Universität San Jose – Costa Rica We have often thought that education can save the world. We say that education is key for development and we usually believe that, by bri... Lesen
Prof. Dr. Heinz Sünker Universität Wuppertal Auch 15 Jahre nach den ersten Debatten über die PISA-Ergebnisse in Deutschland ziehen zwar Auseinandersetzungen um das deutsche dreigliedrige Sch... Lesen
Prof. Dr. Claudia Lohrenscheit Universität Coburg Das Menschenrecht auf Bildung, Artikel 26 der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte vom 10.12.1948 Jeder hat das Recht auf Bildung. Diese... Lesen
Prof. Dr. Eva Borst Universität Mainz Das Recht auf Bildung für alle Menschen ungeachtet ihrer Ethnie, ihres Geschlechts, ihrer Sprache und Religion, ihrer politischen Überzeugung und... Lesen
Michael Klundt Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal Es ist inzwischen kein großes Geheimnis mehr, dass die verschiedenen Bildungschancen von der jeweiligen sozialen Herkunft abhängen und besonders s... Lesen