The Road to the American War of Independence – Can Aydın
Back in the middle of the 18th century, Britain had colonies in India, the Caribbean and the American continen...
Extension of Education as human rights: South African experience – Yonela Mlambo
Yonela Mlambo | Cape Town Üniversity – South Africa To understand the contemporary barriers to tertiary...
Free Education of Sri Lanka – D.A.Vihara Sawindi
D.A.Vihara Sawindi Matara, Southern Province Sri Lanka C.W.W. Kannangara introduced free education to Sri Lank...
Access to Education for Syrian Refugee Children Living in Lebanon – Derya Özkul
Lebanon has become one of the most preferred countries for refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria since 2011...
L’Italia e la democrazia che affonda – Il caso della Capitana Carola Rackete – Michele Borrelli, prof. ordinario
Michele Borrelli, prof. ordinario – Università degli Studi della Calabria Con quale strategia, il pensiero s...
Back in the middle of the 18th century, Britain had colonies in India, the Caribbean and the American continent which was referred to as the New World. Besides the French controlled Canada,... Lesen
Prof. Dr. Michael Fingerle | Universität Frankfurt Goethe Beitrag zur Reihe „Typisch deutsch – Was “Migranten” über die deutsche Gesellschaft wissen sollten“ Völker definieren sich j... Lesen
Yonela Mlambo | Cape Town Üniversity – South Africa To understand the contemporary barriers to tertiary institutions of learning in South Africa, we must be cognisant of, and locate S... Lesen
D.A.Vihara Sawindi Matara, Southern Province Sri Lanka C.W.W. Kannangara introduced free education to Sri Lanka. Therefore in Sri Lanka. both poor & rich children can learn together. The... Lesen
Lebanon has become one of the most preferred countries for refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria since 2011. The major factor in this was the historical ties between the two countries, th... Lesen
INTRODUCCIÓN Estamos asistiendo, en la última década, a un ataque sin precedentes a nuestro sistema público de educación. Un ataque diseñado desde ya hace mucho tiempo pero que, con la excus... Lesen
Michele Borrelli, prof. ordinario – Università degli Studi della Calabria Con quale strategia, il pensiero sovranista-populista prepara la fine della democrazia? Con la strategia di crear... Lesen
Prof. Dr. Claus Melter | Hochschule Bielefeld Audre Lorde erinnert in ihrer Gedichtzeile „we were never meant to survive“/ „wir waren nie bestimmt zu überleben“ (Lorde 1978/1993)[1] s... Lesen
Im Herbst 2015 haben die Vereinten Nationen einstimmig die Nachhaltigkeits-agenda 2030 beschlossen. Ihr Kern besteht sie aus 17 Nachhaltigkeitszielen, mit 169 Spezifizierungen. Die letzteren... Lesen