is its current state and how likely will it be acknowledged in the future? That is, in how far can such a Human Right to Education be found as codified in the national constitutions of countries? And, on the other hand, in how far have these codifications been actualized and implemented so far?
With particular attention to the case of Italy, it will be examined in how far the (Human) Right to Education – which is officially recognized in the Italian constitution – has been implemented and put into practice. The Italian research group assumes that, while a right to Education is recognized in the Italian constitution, it has not been fully and successfully implemented partly for econmic, partly for cultural reasons.
The Italian research group argues that everything must be done to ensure a global implementation of this right to Education in terms of a planetary right for all peoples on planet earth.
Die italienische Forschungsgruppe: Michele Borrelli/Francesca Caputo/Raffaele Perrelli